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Cape Cod

Located ocean-front in Harwitch Port, this is a net-zero energy use home, entirely insulated with hempcrete. The project is a success thanks to international collaboration. It serves as an example for the construction industry. American architect, designer and contractor carried out the work. Akta, a French team provided its sprayed on site hempcrete technology. DuChanvre exported its finishing system technology, hemplaster + lime plaster, materials, technique and professional assistance. The materials were chosen with the intention of fighting climate change. The project demonstrates that it is possible to build a high-performance house that can withstand the intense seaside climate.

Building envelope: 12″ hempcrete, walls and roof
Interior substrate: 1″ hemplaster on laths
Finish: Classic lime plaster, STONE finish
Fresco: Realization by Anthony Néron. Hempcrete & Classic lime plaster – SANDSTONE finish